This is the "PICKIT2" usb programmer which can be used for programming most of the pic micro controllers including 12F,16F,18F,24F,30F,33F... . if you are using "PICKIT2" then you can programme any micro controller on board it you not need to remove uc from the cct and place in a programmer.
you can download software for PC and .hex file from microchip website.
The programming voltage of a pic micro controllers is around voltage booster (consist of L1,Q1,C7) has used to convert 5V(USB power supply)to 11V. for L1 you can use a coil wound your own and this site will help you to calculate coil induction. you should notice that produced voltage is not depend on induction of the it's not requred to coil to be exactlyc 680 uH.
You can remove U1 & U2 (two memory IC),if not necessary(you can store a .hex file in those ic
and so a micro controller can be programmed without a PC )
following figure show the connections to the mc.

if you need more information, please read a article about ICSP(In circuit serial programing).
(also information about ICSP is included in any pic microcontroller datasheet)